Saturday, March 5, 2016

Waters Of March

WHEN FROST WAKES UP, yawns, and stretches into trickles that will feed mighty streams, there also emerge other beginnings that will turn into accomplishments by the end of the year. First, it is great to discover that my cold hardy needle palm Rhapidophyllum hystrix had survived its first winter, including blizzard Jonas with its wind chill factor of fifteen degrees below zero. Contrary to the sound of its name, it is a very slow growing shrub, and it makes me wonder how much taller it will be this time next year. Next, my yearly uniform allowance finally appeared in my customs account, and I ordered a couple of pairs of running shoes to use in the warm months to come. Finally, Sara got a letter of acceptance into Stuyvesant, that elite specialized New York City public high school ranked as one of the nation's best. Her everyday commute from Maspeth to Manhattan next schoolyear will be a challenge, but fall is a long way away and I'm sure we will figure something out. Townsend Harris as a second choice ain't too bad either. Ah, the surprises of spring!

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